Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Morning Visit / Forrest Sings

Got back a couple hours ago from visiting Forrest and he did great through the night. According to his nurses he is doing good so far with being fed just a tiny bit every 3 hours. Sometime today they be taking out the cords in his belly button and then starting just one line through a vein in his arm. This will help them to just a have a central line to him that he will have until he comes home and his body will tolerate it a lot better....of course its just one more thing that he will attempt to pull out.

During our visit the little guy decided to sing for everyone....not sure which song he picked, but it was beautiful whatever it was!

Mom and Dad Leaving Hospital

Katie and I finally left the hospital last night, but before we did we checked on our little guy and both got a great big surprise. Mom was able to hold Forrest for the very first time and Dad was able to change a (very tiny) diaper. It was absolutely the highlight of our week!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Morning Update

We have made it to the end of a VERY long week and everyone is doing great! Katie has received her discharge papers and we will be heading back home later tonight. Unfortunately Forrest will not be coming with us, but he is in great hands right now and of course we will be up several times a day to see him.

The latest on our little peanut is that they have removed one of the tubes in his belly button and have now begun to feed him through a tube in his mouth! They are giving him 1/2 Ml every 3 hours. He no longer has his oxygen mask and is now using a little air tube that goes in his nose. Of course though he keeps pulling it out of his nose and sticking it in his mouth and sucking in the air which is actually a really good sign.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Video of the Little Peanut

On our latest visit to see the peanut I snagged some video with my phone. Its certainly not the highest quality video and of course as soon as I hit record he barely even moved...but its the best I got!


Saturday Afternoon Update (2)

This afternoon our Pastor, Patrick Norris, was allowed to come into the NICU with David and I to pray over Forrest with us. It was truly an amazing moment. We got a quick picture of Patrick with Forrest.

Saturday Afternoon Update...

Forrest is doing wonderfully! He is continuing to get his "fake bake" tan....he wants to be a nice golden honey brown for winter time. By the time he leaves here he will be giving George Hamilton a run for his money!

We also got his unofficial birth certificate done today here at the hospital. They made little footprints for us on the back....I'm guessing they don't make a pair of preemie Puma's in his size...oh well.

Forrest's First Official Picture

When the nurses took off his oxygen mask for a couple minutes this morning they snapped a quick photo for us.....

Saturday Morning Update

Just checked on the little peanut....over the last couple of hours he had developed a little bit of jaundice which is very normal according to his nurse. To help with that they have put him under a blue photo lamp which basically looks like a mini tanning bed.

She said that they did take his little oxygen mask off for a bit this morning, but put it back on because he was working a little harder than he needs to right now. Other than that they said he is doing just fine!

November 27th Famous Birthdays

Just found out that our baby boy shares a birthday with several famous and semi-famous people...Here are just a few:

- Jimi Hendrix

- Bruce Lee

- Carroline Kennedy

- Robin Givens

And my personal favorite......

- Jaleel White (otherwise known as URKEL!)

Friday, November 27, 2009

First Day Pictures (Part 2)

So we just got back from another visit to the NICU with alot of great news and pictures!

The biggest news is that Forrest is no longer on a ventilator which was apparently by his own choosing. According to the nurses when they came to check on him the ventilator tube was resting beside his face because he had decided he didn't need it anymore and had pulled it out himself. The is probably our first of many signs that he will be a VERY strong willed young man! He still has an oxygen mask that blows air into his nose and mouth, but not having to use a ventilator is a HUGE step for Forrest.

All of his other vitals are where they should be and he is progressing perfectly.....

First Day Pictures

Here are a couple of pictures from Forrest's first day here! He is currently 2 lbs, 9 ounces and is 14.5 inches long. Everyone in the NICU says he is doing wonderfully and might be able to come off of his ventilator very soon. They also told us that he is a very "squirmy" little guy which is a great sign!

We will post more pictures in the coming days!