Thursday, February 18, 2010

Forrest's Next Battle

I don't remember if I ever told everyone that while he was in the NICU they found what they thought was just retained fluid in his groin area. They set up an appointment for him to go see a urologist to make sure the fluid was absorbing correctly. I took Forrest to the appointment today and it turns out that it is not fluid, but a hernia that needs to be repaired.

The doctor should be how to push the hernia back up into the correct place when I find that it is out. Unfortunately it is not something we can wait to fix. Sooo, he is scheduled to have surgery next Friday at Children's Mercy Hospital.

Usually it would be an outpatient surgery, but since he is so young he will have to stay overnight to be observed after the surgery. Needless to say, I am nervous about our tiny baby having surgery. I know this is common, especially in boys, and even more common for a baby born as small as he was but it is still surgery.

Please pray for Forrest, that he will be strong during the surgery and that he will be in as little pain as possible. Please also pray for the surgeon as he prepares to operate on our precious baby boy.

I will keep everyone updated as we get closer to the surgery and after it is over.

1 comment:

Evie Riek said...

we will put you all back at the top of the prayer list. Children's Mercy is the best. You'll be well cared for there! Take care and give him hugs and love from me!