I can not believe that today Forrest is ten months old. It doesn't even seem possible. Everyone says that the time will go fast but until you actually experience it you really don't understand exactly what it is like. In two months our baby boy will be one.
It is so fun to watch his personality start to come out. He loves music and will start to "dance" anytime he hears any type of music. He loves the dogs and especially likes it when anyone says Daisy's name. He laughs hysterically at it...we aren't really sure why at this point.
He is basically eating almost all adult food along with his normal bottles during the day. He loves waffles for breakfast with some cut up bananas and he loves shredded cheese with whatever he is having for dinner.
He is drinking out of a sippy cup at each of his meals. He loves his water and loves being a big boy with his cup.
No crawling yet but believe me...Mommy is quite content to have him just sit and play with his toys for now because I know as soon as he figures it out there will be no stopping him.

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