Saturday, November 27, 2010

A letter to Forrest at One Year

Dear Forrest,
I really wanted to be one of those mothers who wrote everything down and had scrapbook pages of everything so that you would have memories all organized and neat when you got older. I am starting to see that it is not a very easy thing to do. I am lucky to get things written in your baby book. I have lots of pictures of you and if you count the fact that IPhoto organizes them they are some what in order. I have only really written down the story of your birth. The one thing I do have going for me is I have an excellent memory.

I can not believe you are already one. People always said that the time would fly and I would say "Oh I know", but I really didn't. You can't possibly know until you have a child of your own. One day you have this tiny baby in your arms and the next day that same baby is crawling faster than you can catch.

Forrest you came into this world so quickly and so tiny. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. Even now as I write this I get choked up thinking about everything you went through in those first several weeks of life. You were a fighter from the very beginning, pulling out your own ventilator your very first day of life, determined to breath on your own. I think the nurses in the NICU went through more medical tape trying to keep your feeding tube in because you were determined to keep that out too. You were so fragile yet so strong.

I look at you today and don't even see that tiny baby. I see a boy who is curious about everything. I see a boy who still has a do things by himself. I see a boy who by any medical textbook should be developmentally behind, but is so close to walking and babbles my ear off everyday that no one would ever know that he was 2 pounds 9 ounces when he was born.

Forrest, you have overcome so much in your young life already. God has had His hand on you from the moment you were born. I can't wait to see what amazing things you are going to do with your life. I am so thankful to be a part of it.

I love the way you wave at everything...people, animals and even the trees. I love watching you grin so big when you see our dogs. You love your dogs. I love coming in your room in the morning to get you out of your crib and having you stand up and smile so big at me. I love how excited you get when Yo Gabba Gabba comes on. I love watching you grow up and I am so thankful I get to stay home with you and experience everything with you.

I love you so much Forrest John Gritton. Happy One Year Birthday.

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