Monday, January 11, 2010

A Bump in the Road

Forrest was doing so well yesterday. We got him to take a bottle during two consecutive feedings. We were finally feeling like the road was coming to an end, but then we got a call around 8pm last night. Forrest has an infection that seems to be in his intestines. They immediately put his case back with the neo-doctor. He received two IV's. One for antibiotics and the other for a blood transfusion. His hemoglobin got really low last night and so the transfusion was necessary for him to fight this infection properly. They have stopped all feedings and have put a tube down his throat to help him get rid of any residual in his stomach. His vitals are good. He isn't having any trouble breathing. He is more upset that he doesn't get to eat. :)
We are waiting for the blood culture to come back to let us know what kind of infection we are dealing with. So far the nurses say he could be on antibiotics anywhere from 7-14 days. They also are not speculating when feedings will start back up and when they do how slow he will have to take it.
Please pray for our little guy. He has come so far over the last six weeks. Please pray that this infection is nothing more than a quick bump in the road. Pray for peace for him because right now he is easily agitated since he is hungry. As soon as I know more I will post an update.


Unknown said...

I am praying for his mother and father too...they need it just as much as he you both.

Evie said...

Katie, We are saying prayers for you and Forrest and David! Take care of your little man, and take care of each other!

Anonymous said...

Praying, Honey. Johnny and I are praying right now.