What a difference six weeks makes... It has been six weeks since Forrest was born. The day he was born he weighed 2 pounds 9.3 ounces and was 14.5 inches long. Today he is almost 5 pounds and around 16.5 inches long. In some ways it seems like yesterday that David and I were in the hospital hoping he would not arrive too early, but in a lot of ways it seems like that was so long ago. It's hard to believe that we have been going back and forth between home and the NICU for the last six weeks. We have been so blessed to have had such wonderful nurses...many of whom have become great friends to me. We are very close to having our little boy home and then our lives will be a totally different kind of crazy...but I know we are both looking forward to that day.

Here is Forrest at 2 days old...

Here is Forrest today at 6 weeks old...
He looks a lot like his mommy did when she was born :) just wearing different colors...
He is so beautiful Katie! You are truly blessed...Enjoy this journey. It is filled with miracles and joy and a love you never dreamed was possible...
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