I am very sorry that there have not been any updates in the last week. Things started to get so crazy as we got closer to bringing Forrest home. On Friday last week I started driving back and forth to the hospital for almost every feeding. He had started to really do well with nursing so it seemed like the best thing to do for him. By Sunday morning, the NICU nurses had found a room for me to board in so that all I had to do was walk from my room to the NICU to feed him. This made things so much easier for me but it meant that I really didn't leave the hospital much. By Sunday evening several of the nurses told me they thought he would be going home soon, but I tried not to get my hopes up. But when I went in to feed him on Monday at noon, they told me I could take him back to the room with me and he could board out there with me as much as I wanted. I didn't know what to say or think. It seemed so weird the very first time I pushed his little crib down the hallway of the hospital to my room. It seemed as if I was doing something wrong. He had never left the NICU. By Monday night, they had scheduled his circumcision for the next day and we were getting him ready to get his RSV Antibody shot. He was circumcised on Tuesday morning and when I went back with him to the NICU where he was monitored after that his nurse Patty said he would be going home the next day. Needless to say, we were both thrilled. We left the hospital Wednesday around noon...after lots of goodbyes to all of our favorite nurses both Tuesday night (night shift) and Wednesday morning. Forrest got dressed up for everyone in his onesie with a tie on it. By 12:30pm we were home and introducing him to the dogs. Also,Garrison got to see his brother for the first time last night and kept saying how tiny he was. :)
Forrest did well his first night now. He slept all night except when he got up everything three hours to eat, but every time he went right back to sleep. He seems to be adjusting well to his home and honestly nothing phases him. The dogs can bark, we can grind coffee and the hairdryer can be on and he just keeps sleeping...something good that came out of being in a noisy NICU for almost eight weeks.
Here are some pictures from the last two days as we left the hospital and got home. Hope you enjoy them and again, thank you for all of your prayers for little Forrest. Please continue to pray that he gains weight as he should and stays healthy now that he is home with us.
The pictures are all out of order but I hope you like them.

Samson...his new personal guard dog.

The dogs were very sweet with him...love to smell his head.

Mr. Fancy Pants getting ready to leave the hospital.

His full outfit...his shirt was made for him by Aunt Abby.

Forrest and I the night before being discharged...he's is obviously tired of pictures.

Forrest's new room...

Nana Karen comes to visit...

Daddy and Forrest right after we got home...

Daisy checking him out...both dogs love to smell his head.
1 comment:
Katie, I am so happy for all of you that you get to be home and a family! I will keep your Little Man in my prayers that he grows fast and strong! God is good!
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