In addition, today they decided he could finally wear clothes. We had been told that he could and then they made us wait while he was having his stomach issues the last few days. Today I got to put his very first outfit on. It is a preemie outfit and fits him great. The nurse said most babies cry when they have clothes put on the very first time, but Forrest just looked up at me while I put it on him. He seems to like clothes.
We also had a first today with his feedings. He got to do some introduction to nursing today. He did great for the first time and was able to get some of his food from nursing. They are still going to give him his feedings through his feeding tube but I will continue these short nursing sessions to continue to get him used to it. The nurses were all very impressed at how well he did.
Lastly, when he was weighed two nights ago he weighed in at a whopping 3 pounds, 5.6 ounces. This is great considering they stopped his feedings for 2 days this week. The nurses are starting to call him a "chunk" now that he is gaining so much weight.
He still probably has a couple weeks to go in the NICU but all of these strides are huge to him being able to come home with David and I.
Here is a picture of him in his clothes...
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