Monday, December 28, 2009

Update 12/27/09

Our little guy is starting to become quite the chunk. He weighed in tonight at 3 pounds 14.1 ounces. We are less than 2 ounces from 4 pounds! He also got his IV out of his head. So basically all that he has attached to him are the leads that give us his heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen level. I am continuing to do short intro. feeds with him before some of his "meals" through his feeding tube. He is up to 35 cc's for his feedings now which is over an ounce. He is tolerating all his feedings really well.
We are still waiting on his hemoglobin level. He has been getting iron every day to help him produce his own red blood cells. They will check his levels tomorrow to see if the iron is helping.
I do have a few new pictures but will have to post them tomorrow.

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