Forrest continues to do well up at the NICU. He has surprised everyone with weight gain this week. As of Tuesday night he weighed 3 pounds 10 ounces. He actually is starting to fill out quite a bit. They have started to fortify his milk to add calcium and phosphorus. This is stuff he would have gotten had he still been inside of me. This also adds extra calories so I can only imagine how his weight gain will continue.
He is up to 25 cc's on his feedings. Just 5 more cc's and he will be having an ounce at each feeding. Hopefully in the next week he will no longer need the TPN's that he is getting through his IV and we can look at getting that taken out.
The only thing we are watching right now is his hemoglobin. His iron is on the low side because he is not at an age where he would normally have to be making his own red blood cells. This has made him slightly anemic. They started some Iron for him today that also is being added to his milk. Please pray that this "jumpstarts" his system and he starts to produce his own red blood cells. If it doesn't we will have to look at a possible blood transfusion for him.
Thanks for checking in on him and I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
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