Forrest had a slight set back yesterday. He had originally had a Midline IV in his right arm that was put in on 12/2/09. They moved it on the 5th of December because they saw that it had gone bad and he had a sore where it had been. They watched the spot on his arm to be certain that it didn't cause him any trouble. Overnight Sunday night, he started having trouble maintaining oxygen and keeping his heart rate up. They also discovered the place on his arm was inflamed and bothered him to the touch. The quickly started antibiotics and put him back on some oxygen. You could tell that he did not feel good on Monday when David and I went to see him. He wasn't his normal fiesty self. But today he seems to be feeling a lot better. The doctor says that his last dose of antibiotics will be overnight tonight. They are going to keep him on oxygen for just a little while so he doesn't have to work too hard.
Other than that, he is doing well. He is up to 2 pounds 11 ounces as of last night's weigh in. He also is no longer under the lights for jaundice. His feedings are up to 1/3 of an ounce every three hours.
Here are the sweetest pictures I got of him today when I was up there. After I held him for a few hours the nurse put him back in his bed and he curled up and went right to sleep. So cute.

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