Monday, January 4, 2010

1/4/10 Update

Forrest is gaining weight like a champ. He weighed in last night at 4 pounds 8.4 ounces. He is now 4 1/2 pounds. He starting to even look a little chunky compared to what he had been. :)
He is completely off of the caffeine that they have all preemies on to help them regulate their heart rate. As the nurses say...."he gave up caffeine for New Year's". He is up to receiving 40 cc's of milk at every feeding and tolerating this really well. His hemoglobin remains slightly low but they are just going to continue to give him an iron supplement every day. He also has been moved to the lesser of the two NICU's. The one where he has been at SM Hospital is for more intensive cases and babies that need constant care. Then across the hall is the NICU where it is just babies that need some attention. We knew he would get moved eventually as he got bigger and stronger and we received the call the other day that he had been moved. :) The big news is that the neo-doctor has passed his case over to his normal pediatrician as of this morning. We are definitely starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The main thing right now is for him to figure out how to eat on his own. He is still having trouble with this which is somewhat frustrating for me. We are working with the lactation consultants and nurses to try and help him figure it out. They assure me this is normal for his gestational age and that it will come.
Thanks for checking in and I will try to have new pictures to post really soon.


Abby Kruenegel said...

Praise God! I am so proud of all of you...especially my little man.

Manda said...

you and forrest will get the breastfeeding down--just keep working with him--and when you do you both will be so happy! it was nice to see you over Christmas--keep up the good work, mama!

Evie said...

Yeah Katie! I am so happy for you guys! I am sure you have a million people giving you advice about the lactations stuff, so I will only say - relax! They seem to sense the stress...Take care and Iwill keep you all in my prayers!

Unknown said...

Evie is right...they are so in tune with your mood and your stress level. When I was calm, you were calm and did well. When I was concerned and wasn't sure I was doing things right, you could sense it and became more I agree...RELAX!!! He will get it! Love you!