Thursday, January 7, 2010

Big Boy Crib

Forrest is now in a "big boy" crib. Now that he can regulate his body temperature so well he has been moved to a normal infant crib at the hospital. It's basically the crib he would have been in from the beginning had he been born on time.
He is still getting fed 40 cc's every feeding and we are still working on breastfeeding. The pediatrician did call yesterday and say that she thinks he will pick up the breastfeeding all of the sudden in about 7 -10 days and then he will be ready to come home! She thinks about 2 more weeks and he will be out of there. We are so excited to get our boy home.
Here are some new pictures of him...

Taken this morning (1/7)...isn't he looking big?

Forrest in his new big boy crib

Forrest sitting on Mommy's lap...

Forrest with his new hat from Nana Carol

Forrest in his crib for the first time...

1 comment:

Kim Ryden said...

He looks so great and pale...which is good because he's putting some fat on that little body! WOO HOO!